Subtitle may need a correction, you can send a correction to info [@], or you can create your own subtitle by using the application. You may need below programs to create subtitle for music videos and audio music files and listen music videos and audio music files with subtitle or lyrics (.LRC) file. • Download video and music files with subtitles from YouTube and other websites for free with. • You can create subtitles (.SRT) and synchronized lyrics file (.LRC) for music videos and audio music files for free with • You can convert music videos to audio MP3 (or any other audio formats) with. • You can watch music videos with subtitle or listen audio music files with synchronized lyrics file with. • You can synchronize subtitles and lyrics (.LRC) with video or audio file with. • Download subtitles for your movies or TV series automatically by movie name or movie hash code or episode number.
• Watch movies as dubbed in your native language by using Text to speech to speak aloud subtitle of the video. This feature is very helpful for people with vision, slow reading or similar problems. Network marketing training pdf. • • • Download and place subtitle (*.srt) files in the same directory of video file. In this way, subtitles will be automatically detected by the player like image shown below. • watch music videos with subtitle • listen audio music files with subtitle or lyrics.