Hello guys, i didn't use my xbox360 for quite some time. Right now a friend of mine wanted to use it to play GTAV but it always says that it has to be updated. Even more, the xbox always says it has to be updated when booting.
Xexmenu 1.1 is, however, free and you can Xexmenu 1.1 making panoramic Xexmenu 1.1 without buying any expensive software or equipment. Unlike many similar software, Xexmenu 1.1 considers the Xexmenu 1.1 of the lens and can adapt to the particular distortion profile of your camera. Xexmenu 1 2 mediafire links free download, download Xexmenu 1 2, XeXMenu 1 2, Installing XeXMenu 1 2 - xexmenu 1 2 mediafire files. Free Search Engine for Mediafire. Type what you are looking for in the box bellow, hit search and download it from mediafire.com!
The problem is that i let some Store do the JTAG Stuff and FSD install for me (~2012). The Information Tab says: Dash Ver. 2.2 Rev 1072, Kernel Version 2.0.14699.0. FSD still seems to work or at least it boots up.
I need a perfectly working xex menu 1.1 download, ive tried a few 1 of them showed up but it had an 'error' loading and the other didnt show in. Xexmenu 1 2 mediafire links free download, download Xexmenu 1 2, XeXMenu 1 2, Installing XeXMenu 1 2 - xexmenu 1 2 mediafire files. Free Search Engine for Mediafire. Type what you are looking for in the box bellow, hit search and download it from mediafire.com!
In my Library in FSD i only see 4 titles without cover which i also can't start. I tried to update FSD using the settings menu but it can't find any update ('Could not download version description file.' I looked into the original Dashboards Game Library, there is XeXMenu v 1.1. I can't start XeXMenu because there is again the Prompt that i have to update the system in order to play it.
The FTP in FSD is enabled and works fine. How should i proceed now? Is there an easy way to update everything (i don't need to stick with FSD if someone recommends something else)?
I saw that updating to FSD 3.0 should work through FTP but it requires Dashlaunch which i don't seem to have and because i can't start XeXMenu i also can't edit any launch settings there? Best regards, asga. In my signature below you'll fine a guide on how to update the kernel. From there you just delete the FSD you've got and download Aurora in it's place, this is made by people that used to be part of Team FSD before it was disbanded. XEXMenu doesn't really have any update past 1.1, 1.2 is unofficial mod or whatever, 1.1 works perfectly fine! The update you're seeing is probably for the avatar data, but i recommend following my tutorial, remove any memory device attached to the console before you start and you should be good to go.
Sorry to be a bit dumb, which manual method do you mean? My XeLL does not display the CPU Key and i don't have Dashlaunch (as far as i know). Other than that i couldn't find any other method in your Tutorial thread? Btw, i looked at the Network Traffic and my Router assigns an IP to the Xbox (XeLL). But neither can ping nor connect to it. (Which would support your answer that it does not have an Ui). All XeLL versions shows the fuses.
Look at the tutorial one more time and you'll see an explanation of how to find the cpukey from the fuses. Hi Gavin, Thanks for your prompt reply. I am new at this so I may ask questions that seem stupid. How can I find out if my console is JTAG/RGH or something else? Thanks, Ilanosh hi again Gavin MY XBOX IS JASPER 14699 Please don't double post.
Since you don't know that you have a JTAG/RGH, chances are you don't have one such console. Users that have a JTAG/RGH hacked console in general KNOW this because of what they can do with it, we also do expect you to atleast try to read up on some of the basic stuff when you have such a console, all info is public.