Have you lost your Windows 10 Product Key? Here is how you can get it back with just a few easy steps. Anyone can do this. Better still: you can even retrieve the serial numbers you lost track of. Here is how to do it. Should you ever need to get a hold of your Windows product key or the serial number of any of your software, you can retrieve this from your existing, legitimate installation of Windows in not time flat.
Windows 10 activation: who needs a Windows Product Key Depending on how you obtained your copy of Windows 10, activation will use either a digital entitlement or a 25-character long Windows Product Key. You will need your product key to reinstall Windows 10 should any of these scenarios apply to you: • purchased either a hard copy or a digital download of Windows 10 from an authorized retailer, • your Windows 10 came pre-installed on a physical device, • you have a Volume Licensing agreement or a MSDN subscription. In all other cases, your system will activate using a digital entitlement, even though you may have been asked to enter a key during the initial upgrade. Unfortunately, your system must qualify for this massive simplification (the from Microsoft can put your mind at ease). [bctt tweet=”Depending on how you obtained Windows 10, activation will use either a digital entitlement or a product key. “] Your Windows 10 product key Those of us who keep several PCs around tend to have a hard time when it comes to finding their Windows product keys. It is easy to get confused.
On top of it, Microsoft isn’t being particularly straightforward about its licensing, is it. Contrary to what many users may think, Microsoft has not phased out the Windows product key just yet. You might be forgiven for expecting your Windows product key to show up in the Control Panel in your system (Control Panel System and Security System), for example in the Windows activation section, but you won’t find it there. Microsoft chose to display the Product ID instead.
A Windows product key is a 25-character code that’s used to activate the operating system. This is what you are looking for: PRODUCT KEY: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX (Users who updated from version 7 and 8/8.1 to Windows 10 no longer need their old product key for activation.). After decades of fighting piracy, the software behemoth finally resorted to hiding serials from its own loyal users, and can you blame them? Even so, your precious Windows product key won’t show up in your Live account, let alone on a COA sticker. Microsoft does not offer any utilities you could download, either, and you can’t extract your product key with a script that worked on Windows 8.1 (the product key is encrypted now and on UEFI PCs stored in the UEFI firmware chip). Even worse, you won’t find on your system the serial numbers of other software tools you purchased legitimately. So what can you do if you need to reinstall Windows 10 and don’t remember which of your Product Keys is the correct one?