Book Description English verb tenses is a back-boon of English language. After learning some words, you need to have depth knowledge in verb tense to speak English language fluently. This book has been written in English and translated in Urdu. It means this book is beneficial for both Urdu and English readers. This book consists of twelve tense with examples of declarative, negative and interrogative sentences of each tense, four forms of verbs and much more. This book gives you complete knowledge about English verb tense.
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Going to + present tenses • Be going to for future plans and predictions. • Present simple for timetables. • Present continuous for arrangements. Verb tenses in if - clauses and reported speech: English grammar rules pdf • Other verb forms and grammatical structures. The reason of writing all this articles in Urdu is this that many of our friends; readers have asked for to make the tenses lessons in Urdu. English Tenses In Urdu: This free Urdu article is about past tense and the types of past tense, past perfect tense, past indefinite tense, past indefinite tense in Urdu. Request PDF on ResearchGate On Jan 1, 2010, M. Butt and others published Tense and aspect in Urdu.