This is the info displayed in chip genius Protocal Version: USB 2.00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 100mA USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234 Device Vendor: Alcor Micro Device Name: Mass Storage Device Device Revision: 0001 Manufacturer: Generic Product Model: USB Flash Disk Product Revision: 7.76 Chip Vendor: Alcor Micro Chip Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xE602 - F/W 8509 Flash ID Code: 8988244B - Intel - 2CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 16GB I´ve tried the tools on the dowload pack, the first one recognized it once but now it seems invisible to it. The DieSort tool recognize it and after the analysis this is the report Device Index: 1 ECC_00 [ 16] ECC_01 [ 0] ECC_02 [ 0] ECC_03 [ 0] ECC_04 [ 0] ECC_05 [ 0] ECC_06 [ 0] ECC_07 [ 0] ECC_08 [ 0] ECC_09 [ 0] ECC_10 [ 0] ECC_11 [ 0] ECC_12 [ 0] ECC_13 [ 0] ECC_14 [ 0] ECC_15 [ 0] ECC_16 [ 0] ECC_17 [ 0] ECC_18 [ 0] ECC_19 [ 0] ECC_20 [ 0] ECC_21 [ 0] ECC>21 [ 0] Bad Block 0/16 Finally, the last tool recognize it but but the sort stage of the alalysis come to 61.1% the application crashes and windows closes it. Is my pend drive busted or am i doing something wrong? Thanks for your help!
Anonymous I have the same PNY 32GB usb stick and I took out my stick at not the best time as guy Pierre did. In the process of me trying to fix the problem, when I put the usb stick in, it recognizes it as the 'E: drive' but when I click on it, it says to 'insert a disk into drive E' and when I try to reformat it, it says 'there is no disk in drive E. Insert a disk and try again'.
I can access properties and info says there is nothing on it. I have tried so many different things but they haven't worked, just like Pierre tried to do. However, when I did the ChipGenius it came up for chip part number as 'Unknown(??) - 0xE50B - F/W 9505'. Could his chip number work for mine even though mine came up as unknown? Also, I saw the advice you gave him was to reformat it, would that prevent me from retrieving the information on my usb stick later? I did go to your links at the bottom and downloaded the pny reformat and recovery software, but the software wouldn't initiate when I clicked on them - they only flashed for a second, and thats it. Do you know what the problem might be?
PNY SK6226BA format tool designed to repair and format PNY USB flash drive that have SK6226BA chip controller. PNY SK6226BA recovery tool allows to restore the original factory firmware for SK662BA.By using PNY SK6226BA format tool you will be able to format your Flash drive to factory default.Learn how to upgrade PNY SK6226BA flash drive firmware.Follow the next repair tips.You must take backup of your flash drive if you can do that.
• You must be sure that your chip vendor is SK6226BA by using chip genius report. • Download PNY SK6226BA format tool from the download links in the bottom of this article. • Insert your PNY USB flash drive to your computer. • Open PNY SK6226BA formatter tool and if your flash disk is supported by the software, you will see flash disk information appear on the software interface. • Click Auto LLf to make Low level format for your PNY stick. • Wait until finish upgrading your PNY flash drive firmware.